So when we get a chance to sleep in (which was today) we take full advantage of it so, our day started around ll am :)
We headed to the store and I have to say that I am super excited I got to finally fill the fridge with all of this deliciousness and begin to eat healthier! this stuff wasn't even half of it!
Also happy February <3 <3 <3 .... Who is everyone rooting for tonights Super Bowl? I'm not really going for either the 49ers or ravens. If I absolutely had to I would just say the 49ers only because there colors make me hungry for a twix candy bar! yummy. Ryan thinks the 49ers will win but, he wants to see the ravens win because ray lewis has been playing for 16 years and he would like to see them take home the win. We will just have to see :) I'm just excited for the commercials and half time because you know Beyonce won't be lip singing because the super bowls a bigger deal then the presidents inauguration hehe i'm just playing... i'm just playing... she's beautiful and I don't care what people say she has an amazing voice!
Also, I was excited for this month because they put out the new spring/ summer catalog for Scentsy consultants!!!!!! They have a ton of new stuff they added and new smells too! ( seen a perk me up in the cafe section that supposed to smell of coffee.....all I can say is yummmm!) I'm also so excited for the scentsy charitable cause warmer this season! I will be doing another blog dedicated to the reason why the warmer is so important to me! My mom and I have already decided that we will be purchasing the charitable cause warmer!
Last but not least! my obsession of the week is is is .... wait for it ... wait for it....

OMG the owl earrings are sooo cute!