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Friday, February 8, 2013

Safe Haven

Hey there!

Sooooo... I have actually finished two books this week.... Gone Girl and Safe Haven but i'm going to start with Safe haven review and probably do Gone Girl a different day, because I enjoyed Safe Haven a lot more then Gone Girl considering I got through it in two days!

Ok this is your warning now, this is a SPOILER alert!

 True-fully  this is also my first Nicholas Sparks book that I have read and right now I would say this is book is my favorite!!! Safe haven is such a cute book! I love the setting, I love the characters, and the small town feel. When He describes the setting it just makes me want summer to be here with the warm air blowing threw my hair! 

Safe haven is about a women from boston that runs away from her abusive husband named kevin, stealing someone else's identity. She ends up in Southport North Carolina. She gets a job at a restaurant called Ivan's and meets a lot of people including her "neighbor" Jo and a store owner named Alex. Alex finds something in her that draws him to her and she just sort of starts this life there where she's starts to become comfortable and she can be her self, while also have this guarded suspicion that someone is gonna end it and the life she's leading won't last. As for kevin (her husband) I was so drawn into this book I found myself saying how the man needed some major psychotherapy... believing women are "selfish, that girls were like that". Saying things to my self like, obviously he was never taught how to respect women and as equals! Overall Amazing book couldn't put it down! Can not wait till the movie next week! I want it to be Valentines day TODAY!

My obsession this week consist of brain storming the races I want to conquer this year! 

My goal is to run 3 5k's a 4 mile, 5 mile, 7mile and a half marathon! I want to get back and shape and run the races i've always enjoyed while adding some new ones as well. I want to make posts about them and update on my progress up to the race day! Have you heard of UAwhatsbeautiful? You declare your goal and then you show under armour women how its done. Check it out. you can post challenges and you can crush them or they can post challenges and you can crush them too! I haven't looked at it in detail but i'll probably do a blog post on it if I stick with it!

Now since I have an ass hauling to do i'm going to start with enjoying the rest of the night with some relaxing with ryan with some beer, bacon cheeseburger pizza and some black ops II! Have an awesome weekend!

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